
Adult PSYCHOTherapy

Some people seek therapy after a traumatic event like a loss or divorce or to resolve ongoing personal problems that they have been unable to overcome on their own. Other common reasons may include: feelings of loneliness, excessive worry, depression, anxiety, sexual difficulties, career frustrations, and the desire to find or feel more fulfilled in relationships.  Therapy can provide an opportunity to explore feelings, understand, and master them.

My approach to therapy typically begins with us getting acquainted and understanding your reasons for seeking help. This process, which generally takes a few sessions, gives me an opportunity to learn about who you are, to understand what you would like to accomplish in therapy, and to propose ways we can work together to achieve those goals.

Together we will work to identify patterns of thinking and feeling and the complex dynamics of relating that underlie your challenges by speaking deeply in a judgment free space. 

These conversations create opportunities to understand yourself and others better, to change ineffective patterns, and to create healthier ways of coping with life's challenges.